Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back From The Brink

The brink of death that is. Friday we had some friends over for a game night and all was lovely and great until about 11pm when everyone left. I got a stomach ache and figured I ate to much pizza so I tried to sleep it off. I woke up an hour later to hell on earth. I will spare everyone the graphic details of the next six or so hours but it landed me in the ER begging for a shot of anything to stop the war raging in my body. I was finally released from the hospital Saturday morning with a script for zofran and strict instructions for a liquid only diet. I survived 50 hrs on 3 jello cups and 1 can of chicken noodle soup. Today I woke up feeling much better and was able to actually get some food down. I'm disappointed my whole weekend was ruined by being stuck in bed but I'm just thankful for feeling better. I was looking forward to planning some interesting things to blog about this weekend but just didn't feel up to it. Just wanted to check in and say I'm still around, just slowly recovering. Sorry for not adding something Japan themed but I'm using my iPad to post and it isn't the greatest to type on. Good night!

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